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Old May 02, 2012, 03:20 AM // 03:20   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: May 2008
Guild: james
Profession: P/W

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About [KISS] Alliance:

Founded in 2006. [KISS] is and has been a very social community/guild for its entire existence. Within its first year, many people that were not even a part of KISS made their own kiss guilds/clans in other games. People just loved the idea! We soon became the most Dominating guild in all of Guildwars! We unintentionally became a template for other guilds to follow, implementing their versions of our successful structure. Giving people the motivation for new idea's and new competition.

In the more active days of Guildwars, [KISS] was an inspiration. We sat back and watched the dawn of a new empires or Guilds rise time after time, attempting to be like [KISS]. This has been inspiring to watch for [KISS] and its members as empires rise and fall.

[KISS] Alliance Is not back as it NEVER LEFT!

[KISS] housed hundreds of members from fallen guilds and generally bored players looking for a new home. To this day as Guildwars stumbles to the end of its active gaming period, we still welcome all members who are looking for something different or even someone to play with in Guildwars.

We believe that [KISS] has been the foundation of a guilds heart, with a structure like no other, that makes [KISS] stand strong to this day. We watched other guilds attempt what we achieved and fail. No offence. Hmm, what's the thing we are trying to say? "When in ROME!"

With almost 7 years of running [KISS] We definitely succeed in managing the biggest thing to hit Guildwars in the way of Guilds and Guild events. In its entity of 20 guilds with 100 members per guild affiliated with both factions of Guildwars, that's 2,000 Members! We managed, lead and helped the guilds and its members through all expansions of Guildwars. Dominating many districts with the [KISS] tag, raining havoc upon the game time after time.

[KISS] Events:

In respect to the game, blade radio, arena net and the members of [KISS], we have supported and hosted guild events beyond most guilds imagination.

• February 2006: The [KISS] Luxon Alliance was founded.
• November 2006: First Forum established.
• January 2007: Owned First Town Harvest Temple.
• February 2007: First Anniversary.
• March 2007: Launched Kurzick [KISS] Alliance.
• February 2008: Hosted Canthan New Year.
• February 2008: Second Birthday Anniversary.
• March 2008: Find Bunny 3 Day Easter Event.
• March 2008: Guild Of The Week!! See the link: Guild Wars Community News
• April 2008: Passage to Rata Sum three day free run. We ran 824 players to Rata Sum!!
• April 2008: Owning 2 Towns At Once! A first in Guild Wars! The Kurzick [KISS] owned Durheim Archives and the Luxon [KISS] owned Harvest Temple.
• May 2008: [KISS] 10 mill Giveaway. Over 10 million in prizes given out to celebrate Guild Of The Week and dual town ownership.
• June 2008: The long awaited brand New KISS Forum Launched!
• June 2008: Pink Day in LA 2008 Key supporter of Breast Cancer awareness day in LA.
• July 2008: Guild Wars Auctions Launched! [KISS] sponsored launch of auctions website.
• August 2008: Bullrush 3 day Easter Event.
• September 2008: Dodgeball Event. Massive fun pvp event with lightning Orb.
• October 2008: KISS Founders Birthday Event. Gathering event in the Great Temple.
• April 2009: KISS Maragon Event. Birthday event and Easter event rolled into one.
• August 2009: KISS My EcTo's. All of [KISS] teaching Underworld Speed clear EN MASSE.
• October 2009: KISS Halloween. Gathering event in LA millions of Gifts.
• January 2010: Canthan New year. [KISS] sponsored American districts 50, 51 and 52.
• February 2010: KISS Maragon Event 2010. Fifth birthday anniversary.
• February 2011: Canthan New year. [KISS] sponsored American districts 23,40,115.
• February 2011: KISS Maragon event 2011. Sixth Birthday Anniversary.
• February 2012: Canthan New year. [KISS] sponsored American districts 16,32,72.
• February 2012: [KISS] Birthday Party. [KISS] party in Kamadan.
• April 2012: Formed its first beta guild In GuildWars 2.

Our words to you are:

The way we look at gaming on Arenanet's turf, is exactly in the title of the game you are all playing and are waiting to play, Guildwars 2. We would like to ask/offer every gamer and guild:

• Do you want a new home, a place you are comfortable? "We got that"
• Do you want reliability and structure? "We have that"
• Do you want to make new friends? "That's a definite [KISS] thing"
• Do you want a social network for you and your friends? "We offer you that"
• Do you want to try [KISS] for guildwars 2? "Get it done!"
• IF you want a WAR!! "We'll give you WAR!! "
• Do you like being stupid? Climbing to the top of a cliff or wall in Guildwars 2 and randomly plunging to your death! Right in front of a pug or dear friend? "THEN YOU BELONG IN [KISS]!! LOL"

As an alliance, [KISS] harbors no ill will toward anyone. There may have been instances in the past where some members (most likely now long gone), did or said things which were inappropriate and certainly not condoned by [KISS]. However, this post is about what [KISS] as a Guild as well as an Alliance has achieved in Guild Wars.

Like all successful entities, [KISS] has been targeted for misinformation from our rivals and people that just spend their lives flaming for the sake of flaming. This escalated to the point of [KISS] members being kicked from SC groups or targetted for flaming in outposts, simply because they were members of [KISS].

Whilst it is understandable to have a grudge with players due to some action you percieve was made against you, it is surely not correct to wage war against all members of the perpetrator's alliance or adopt a stance of leetist superiority over all members of that alliance. It's very easy for greedy inept players to rage/flame at others when they fail their own area in a SC and so easy to brand a failed players guild as a useless guild of noobs. We have seen our guild get branded as all noobs simply because one of our members failed an area, even whilst at the same time another of our guild members was covering 2 areas in the same SC regardless of their build! We would like to remind you that during the heady days of SC'ing, [KISS] taught SC to more players than probably any other guild, either as members of our guild or just GW players during the KISS My EcTo's event. You may now consider yourself leet, with no time for noobs but [KISS] always remembers that although we have many experienced SC'ers in our membership, there are still many new players in GW that would like to experience SC'ing, players that the leetist SC'ers would term noob, forgetting their own noob days or perhaps because of the flaming they received whilst learning to SC.

"Treat people how you expect to be treated." Remember in Guildwars 2 everyone starts as a newb, a chance to start fresh.

[KISS] is a very large alliance, with plenty to offer it's members, constantly evolving to meet the membership's ever changing needs but [KISS] is only as good as it's members. [KISS] is what YOU make it.


Some might claim they put the Guild in Guildwars. which is something we always thought Arenanet did but [KISS] introduced the Ultimate MEGA Community for GuildWars, as stated on several post's around YouTube, In Guildwars 2/World vs World, You don't heal because there is no monk! you fight as a team. "Unless you see [KISS]" JUST RUN!

This is a MUST TRY community, 90% of whom join tend to make friends & find something to do quickly and usually end up staying with [KISS] as long as they deem to play the game. No matter how good or bad your are at the game. YOU are always welcome in [KISS].

As Guildwars has gone through its evolution, so has [KISS]. We are taking all our guild hosting experience, to a whole new level as we join Guildwars 2 in style. So if you are going to try GuildWars 2, why not try [KISS] with it. Join hundreds of troll free, none elitist, fun loving, crazy nutters. Noobs and pro's alike.

A lot of people tend to shine as gamers or as individuals due to the way [KISS] is managed. [KISS] is not a dead end guild where you may or may not evolve in GW2. Due to the new ranking system implemented in Guildwars 2, we will be offering our members Cookies!

Unite in [KISS] Alliance for the best possible gaming experience offered from a Guild in GuildWars 2.

Where to find or how to join [KISS]:

IF you would like to Join [KISS] in Guildwars 1 or 2.

• We will be selecting a server prior to release..
• We also offer full use of our ventrilo server. (Details will be release to members only).
  • • You can contact:
  • • D I S A P R O V A L
  • • I KARNOR I
  • • Cazzy Tezz
  • • Tj Black

• URL:
• Face book group: [KISS]Alliance

~Best Regards [KISS]Alliance.

Last edited by jamessuper; Jun 05, 2012 at 11:45 PM // 23:45.. Reason: bold title
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